Title:Sostenibilidad social en el sector agroindustrial del estado Trujillo–Venezuela. Un constructo relevante para el desarrollo / Social sustainability in the agroindustrial sector of Trujillo state - Venezuela. A Relevant construct for development
Title:Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-Adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups, 1990 to 2017: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study
Title:Penalised regressions vs. autoregressive moving average models for forecasting inflation / Regresiones penalizadas vs. modelos autorregresivos de media móvil para pronosticar la inflación
Title:Medida asociativa y de reforma a la ley de contratacion para ingenieros civiles y arquitectos que permita formar pequeña y mediana empresa para contratar con el estado y poder obtener experiencia laboral / Associative method and reform of the law of recruitment for, civil engineers and architects form small and medium company to hire with the state and to get experience labor
Title:Diseño de equipo para la separación primaria de los sólidos de las aguas residuales en las empresas porcinas en Cuba / Equipment design for the primary separation of solids from wastewater in swine companies in Cuba