Title:Perceived age discrimination as a mediator of the association between income inequality and older people´s self-rated health in the European Region
Title:Introducción temprana de conceptos de control robusto: Experiencia práctica y CAD / Early Introduction of Robust Control Concepts: Hands-on Experience and CAD
Title:"Histoire d'une Fenetre" : Le Corbusier y la construcción de la mirada / R. Merí de la Maza, A. Díaz Segura y B. Serra Soriano. / Le Corbusier : 50 años después : Congreso Internacional, 18 al 20 de noviembre 2015.
Title:nor-Mevaldic acid surrogates as selective antifungal agent leads against Botrytis cinerea. Enantioselective preparation of 4-hydroxy-6-(1-phenylethoxy)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-one
Title:The impact of LEP G-2548A and LEPR Gln223Arg polymorphisms on adiposity, leptin, and leptin-receptor serum levels in a Mexican Mestizo population