Title:Paisajes culturales en educación ingenieril más plurales gracias a los aportes CTS / More plural cultural landscapes of engineering education due to the contributions of STS
Title:Characterization of Li-Ion Polymer battery to estimate the download time on systems with constant load [Caracterización de baterías de Polímero de Ion-Litio para estimar el tiempo de descarga en sistemas con carga constante] / STSIVA 2012 - 17th Symposium of Image, Signal Processing, and Artificial Vision
Title:Experimental prototype for endogenous drying wood by radio frequency (RF) / 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Alternative Energies and Energy Quality, SIFAE 2012 - Conference Proceedings
Title:Extraction of new features for classification of porcine sperm motility / STSIVA 2012 - 17th Symposium of Image, Signal Processing, and Artificial Vision
Title:Nonlinear statistics for bearing diagnosis / 2012 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications, ISSPA 2012