Title:Atom-Economical Synthesis of the Versatile Ruthenium Precursor [TpRuCl(COD)] (Tp = Hydrotris(pyrazol-1-yl)borate) Discloses a Diamine Ligand Dealkylation Process
Title:Las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras del Paleolítico en los ambientes montañosos de la región geohistórica del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Ocupación humana, tecnología y recursos líticos / The hunter-gatherer societies of the Paleolithic in mountainous environments of the geohistorical region in Gibraltar Strait. Human occupation, technology and lithic resources
Title:Bases para el estudio de las cuentas de collar petreas de color verde del suroeste de la Peninsula Iberica del VIo Milenio a.C. al IVo a.C. / Basis for the study of the green rocky necklace beads from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula from the VIth millennium b. C. to IVth b. C.