Title:Proyecto CRIDECO : cribado de deterioro cognitivo en farmacia comunitaria a partir de la queja subjetiva de memoria = CRIDECO Project : screening for cognitive impairment in community pharmacy based on subjective memory complaint / María Teresa Climent Catalá, Lucrecia Moreno Royo, Vicente Gasull Molinera, Rafael Sánchez Roy y Jordi Pérez Tur. / CRIDECO Project : screening for cognitive impairment in community pharmacy based on subjective memory complaint
Title:¿Conocemos todas las interacciones farmacológicas? : el transportador OATP1B1 = Do we know all the pharmacological interactions? : the OATP1B1 transporter / Lara María Martínez Celdran, Javier Guevara Ferrando y Lucrecia Moreno Royo. / Do we know all the pharmacological interactions? : the OATP1B1 transporter
Title:Prescripciones potencialmente inadecuadas en pacientes ancianos polimedicados : intervención y seguimiento del farmacéutico comunitario = Potentially inadequate prescriptions in polymedicated elderly patients : community pharmacist?s intervention and follow-up / Otón Bellver Monzó, Lucrecia Moreno Royo y Luis Salar Ibáñez. / Potentially inadequate prescriptions in polymedicated elderly patients : community pharmacist?s intervention and follow-up
Title:Conocimientos, creencias y actitudes de la población gitana ante el cribado del cáncer colorrectal = Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of the Roma population regarding colorectal cancer screening / María Carmen Santiago Portero ... et al. / Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of the Roma population regarding colorectal cancer screening
Title:Feminismo católico (solidario y reformista) : sindicalismo femenino católico Valenciano (1912-1936) y Manuel Pérez Arnal = Catholic feminism (solidary and reformist) : catholic women syndicalism in Valencia (1912-1936) and Manuel Pérez Arnal / José Lendoiro Salvador. / Catholic feminism (solidary and reformist) : catholic women syndicalism in Valencia (1912-1936) and Manuel Pérez Arnal