Title:Refugee Crisis and Migrations at the Gates of Europe: Deterritoriality, Extraterritoriality and Externalization of Border Controls / La crisis de los refugiados y las migraciones a las puertas de Europa: Disuasión, Extraterritorialidad y Externalización de Controles en las fronteras / Crise des réfugiés et migrations aux portes de l'Europe : Deterritorialité, extraterritorialité et externalisation des Contrôles aux frontières
Title:Is Mental Well-Being in the Oldest Old Different from That in Younger Age Groups? Exploring the Mental Well-Being of the Oldest-Old Population in Europe
Title:Dupilumab provides rapid and sustained improvement in SCORAD outcomes in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: combined results of four randomized phase 3 trials