Title:Construir y comunicar un “nosotras” feminista desde los medios sociales. Una reflexión acerca del “feminismo del hashtag” / Constructing and communication a feminist “We” in social media. A reflection about the “hashtag feminism”
Title:Uno sguardo al mondo dei NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) / An approach to the world of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
Title:Burlas entre humanistas de Sevilla: epigrama latino del licenciado Francisco Pacheco con motivo de una promoción de Luciano de Negrón / Humour between Sevillian Humanists: Epigram Directed by Licenciado Francisco Pacheco to Luciano de Negrón After his Promotion
Title:Management of the underwater and coastal archaeological heritage in Israel’s Seas (I) / Gestión del patrimonio arqueológico subacuático y costero en los mares de Israel (I)