Title:Individual factors that encourage the use of virtual platforms of administrative sciences students: A case study / Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Title:A simple method of water purification and energy extraction from organic wastewater: An application of green chemistry principles in everyday life [Un simple metodo de purificacion del agua y extraccion de energia de los desechos orgánicos en el agua: Aplicación de los principios de la química verde en la vida cotidiana] / Journal of Science Education
Title:Effect of the electrograms density in detecting and ablating the tip of the rotor during chronic atrial fibrillation: An in silico study / Europace
Title:Application of technological intelligence tools and S-curves in a foresigth evaluation regarding biodegradables packaging and environmentally friendly up to 2032 / Espacios
Title:Acceptance factors on the use of social networks for academic purposes of management sciences students / New Educational info:eu-repo/semantics/review
Title:Student's perception and expectation towards the creation and implementation of a technology management laboratory at the Metropolitan Technology Institute MTI / Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences
Title:Technology as an innovation factor in Colombian enterprises [Tecnología como factor de innovación en empresas colombianas] / Revista Venezolana de Gerencia