Title:Larval development of Philocheras fasciatus (Risso, 1816) (Decapoda, Caridea) reared in the laboratory, comparison with plankton larvae and occurrence of accelerated development.
Title:Estimating baseline toxicity of PAHs from marine chronically polluted sediments and bioaccumulation in target organs of fish hypothetically exposed to them: a new tool in risk assessment.
Title:Study of the influence of physical, chemical and biological conditions that influence the deterioration and protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
Title:Baroclinic M2 circulation in Algeciras Bay and its implications for the water exchange with the Strait of Gibraltar: Observational and 3-D model results
Title:La conformación diacrónica de marcadores del discurso: Teoría de la gramaticalización y explicación racional / The emergence of discourse markers: grammaticalization theory and rational explanation / La formation diachronique des marqueurs discursifs: théorie de la grammaticalisation et explication rationnelle