Title:Un estudiante conflictivo para muchos, es en realidad un personaje con mucho que dar / A CONFLICTIVE STUDENT FOR MANY PEOPLE, IS ACTUALLY A CHARACTER WITH MUCH TO GIVE
Title:A CONFLICTIVE STUDENT FOR MANY PEOPLE, IS ACTUALLY A CHARACTER WITH MUCH TO GIVE / Un estudiante conflictivo para muchos, es en realidad un personaje con mucho que dar
Title:Fortalecer la investigación como estrategia pedagógica a través de la lectura y escritura mediante figuras literarias / Strengthen research as a pedagogical strategy through reading and writing through literary figures
Title:Aportes de una metodología lúdica al aprendizaje de los estudiantes que cursan la cátedra de morfofisiología en la facultad de cultura física, deporte y recreación / Contributions of a ludic methodology to the learning of the students of Morphophysiology in the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation
Title:A presença do lúdico no ensino dos modelos atômicos e sua contribuição no processo de ensino aprendizagem / The presence of ludic on teaching process of atomic models and its contribution on teaching-learning process