Title:Intervention model to promote reading in basic education: contributions to public policies / Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
Title:Approach to the history of education in Colombia and the social context of Cartagena: Ability to understand school careers as a result of the political dynamics / Acercamiento a la historia de la educación en Colombia y el contexto social de Cartagena: Posibilidad para comprender las trayectorias escolares como resultado de las dinámicas políticas
Title:Análisis del desarrollo de una educación para la paz como elemento en los acercamientos y diálogos entre el Gobierno y la Guerrilla de las Farc (1991-2016) / Analysis of the development of an education for peace as element in the approaches and dialogues between the Government and the Guerrilla of the Farc (1991-2016)
Title:Innovative public policies in the development of reading skills in basic education: regarding the systematic mapping protocol / Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
Title:Research competencies to develop academic literacy in higher education students through innovative models / Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality