Title:La transición del adolescente con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad : implicaciones para el tratamiento del adulto = The transition of the adolescent with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder : implications for treatment of adults. / The transition of the adolescent with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : implications for treatment of adults
Title:Communication and effectiveness of the protest : Anti-fracking movements in Spain = Protestaren eraginkortasuna eta komunikazioa : frackingaren aurkako mugimenduak Espainian = Comunicación y eficacia de la protesta : los movimientos antifracking en España / José María Herranz de la Casa, Àngels Álvarez Villa y María Teresa Mercado Sáez. / Protestaren eraginkortasuna eta komunikazioa : frackingaren aurkako mugimenduak Espainian / Comunicación y eficacia de la protesta : los movimientos antifracking en España
Title:Assessment of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in osteoarthritic dogs using a double blinded force platform analysis / José M. Vilar ... [et al.].
Title:El carácter fundamentante de los valores en la educación : propuesta de un modelo axiológico de educación integral = The fundamental character of values in education: proposal of an axiological model of integral education / The fundamental character of values in education : proposal of an axiological model of integral education
Title:Physical therapists' perceptions and experiences about barriers and facilitators of therapeutic patient-centred relationships during outpatient rehabilitation : a qualitative study / Jaume Morera-Balaguer ... [et al.].
Title:¿Qué modelo de supervision es más útil para guiar a los estudiantes de doctorado? : la perspectiva española = Which model of supervision is ideal for PhD students? : a Spanish perspective / D.R. Serrano ... et al. / Which model of supervision is ideal for PhD students? : a Spanish perspective
Title:Los menores en el entorno digital: usos, influencias, responsabilidades / Minors in the digital environment. Uses, influences, and responsibilities