Title:Thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on polyethylene and Mg/Al hydrotalcite / Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
Title:Mechanical characterization of composites manufactured by RTM process: Effect of fiber content, strain rate and orientation / Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
Title:Measurement of chromatic dispersion in side-hole PCF by white-light interferometry [Medición de dispersión cromática en una fibra de cristal fotónico con huecos laterales empleando interferometría de luz blanca] / Revista Cubana de Fisica
Title:Contributions of differential calculus in the understanding of financial formulas through an interactive learning object / Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Title:S-Curve analysis and technology life cycle. Application in series of data of articles and patents [Análisis S-Curve y tecnología del ciclo de la vida. Aplicación en series de datos de artículos y patentes] / Espacios
Title:Taxonomies of techniques and tools for Knowledge Engineering: Guide for knowledge project development [Taxonomías de técnicas y herramientas para la Ingeniería del Conocimiento: Guía para el desarrollo de proyectos de conocimiento] / Ingeniare