Title:nor-Mevaldic acid surrogates as selective antifungal agent leads against Botrytis cinerea. Enantioselective preparation of 4-hydroxy-6-(1-phenylethoxy)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-one
Title:Unexpected Mild Protection of Alcohols as 2-O-THF and 2-O-THP Ethers Catalysed by Cp2TiCl Reveal an Intriguing Role of the Solvent in the Single- Electron Transfer Reaction
Title:Diseño de estrategias para mejorar la competitividad de la industria láctea / Designing strategies to improve the competitiveness in the dairy industry
Title:Elaboración de un modelo evolutivo híbrido de algoritmos genéticos y redes neuronales artificiales para dosificaciones de mezclas de concreto reforzadas con fibras metálicas / Development of a hybrid evolutionary model of genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks for metal fiber and reinforced concrete mixture dosage
Title:El rol de la ingeniería en el aprovechamiento sostenible de la biodiversidad de la amazonia / The role of engineering in biodiversity sustainable use at the Amazon region