Title:Discrimination in the provision of social services to the poor: a field experimental study / Discriminación en la provisión de servicios sociales a los más pobres: un estudio experimental en campo
Title:Grouping techniques to improve the acquisition of vocabulary / design of a booklet with basic vocabulary for students of eighth basic year At Unidad Educativa Fiscal Francisco de Orellana, Periodo Lectivo 2015 - 2016
Title:Influence of short stories learning in the development of reading skill in the English language / Elaboration of a short stories booklet with values.
Title:Strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions / Design to booklet with strategic vocabulary to develop the oral expressions in students of eighth course at “Vicente Rocafuerte” High School.
Title:The utilitarian foundations of the economic approach to human behavior / Las bases utilitaristas de la aproximación económica al comportamiento humano
Title:Natural resource conservation and management in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta : case study / Conservación y manejo de los recursos naturales en la sierra nevada de santa marta : estudio de caso
Title:Basic grammar structure in order to improve the writing skills in the students of eight year, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Francisco de Orellana, zona sur, parroquia Ximena, distrito 2, Ximena 2, provincia del Guayas, cantón Guayaquil, periodo lectivo 2016-2017 / Design of a didactic guide with basic grammar exercises