Title:Strategies of motivation in the teaching – learning process of the english language / Design of a didactic guide with strategies of motivation in the teaching-learning process of the english language in students of 2nd year of Bachillerato at Unidad Educativa Numa Pompilio Llona
Title:Aprendizaje basado en problemas y el aula invertida como estrategia de aprendizaje para el fortalecimiento de competencias matemáticas / Problem-based learning and the Inverted Classroom as a learning strategy for the development of maths
Title:Estructuración de un algoritmo basado en deep learning para entrenamiento de robots asistentes en reconocimiento de objetos para plataformas multiherramienta / structuring of a deep learning based algorithm for training of assistant robots in recognition of objects for multi tool platforms
Title:Cómo alumnos de educación primaria resuelven problemas de Generalización de Patrones : una trayectoria de aprendizaje = How Primary Education students solve problems of generalization of patterns : a learning trajectory / Alberto Zapatera Llinares. / How Primary Education students solve problems of generalization of patterns : a learning trajectory
Title:Mejora de las competencias de autodirección mediante aprendizaje basado en proyectos colaborativos en Comunicación Multimedia: estudio de caso en la Universidad Nacional de La Rioja (Argentina) / Maximiliano Bron, Manuel Gértrudix Barrio. / Skills improvement in self-directed learning using collaborative project-based learning in multimedia communication. Case study at the National University of
La Rioja (Argentina)
Title:Analysis of learning and teaching of the english language for 8th grade students from the 24 de Mayo / Design ludic activities suitable to the teaching- learning process
Title:Estudio del entorno Unity como herramienta para la definición y prueba de algoritmos de machine-learning para selección de rutas óptimas en conducción autónoma / Study of the Unity environment as a tool for the definition and testing of machine-learning algorithms for the selection of optimal routes in autonomous driving
Title:Pedagogical games as a resource to develop speaking production in the english language / Design of a handbook that implements pedagogical games in the learning process to strengthen the communicative competences and stimulate the english learning in the tudents of 8th grade of the Unidad Educativa fiscal Veintiocho de Mayo
Title:How to strengthen the interest of the literary english learning through literary selections / Design a pamphlet with motivating techniques in order to strength interest in learning