Title:THE CASE OF RESERVOIR OF MUÑA SEEN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGY-SOCIETY-ENVIRONMENTAL (STSE), THROUGH COOPERATIVE LEARNING OF THE CONCEPT OF CHEMICAL SOLUTION / El caso del embalse del Muña, visto con un enfoque ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y ambiente a través del aprendizaje cooperativo del concepto de solución química
Title:Probability and statistics for first degree from the curriculum organizers / Probabilidad y estadística para grado primero desde los organizadores curriculares
Title:Student perceptions of the technical course in administration issued in high school, in relation with the use of practices in agroecology in the teaching of biology and environmental management / Percepções de estudantes do curso técnico em administração integrado ao ensino médio sobre o uso de práticas em agroecologia urbana no ensino de biologia e gestão ambiental
Title:Uma experiência visando a aprendizagem significativa, a partir do conceito de geração e aproveitamento de energia elétrica / AN EXPERIENCE AIMING AT MEANINGFUL LEARNING BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF GENERATION AND UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY
Title:TEACHING ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION BASED ON THE METHOD FOR THE NATURAL LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS AND THE DON JUAN FARM / Enseñando adición y sustracción a partir del método para el aprendizaje natural de las matemáticas y la granja de Don Juan
Title:DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS OF THE SAME CLIMATE: THE QUESTION OF GENDER IN SCIENCE TEACHING / Diferentes percepciones de un mismo ambiente: la cuestión del género en la enseñanza de la ciencia
Title:A PROPOAL TO STUDY “THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER” BASED ON THE PERSPECTIVE OF SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGY-SOCIETY-ENVIRONMENT (STSE) / Una propuesta de aprendizaje de “la estructura de la materia” desde la perspectiva ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y ambiente (CTSA)
Title:Investigative activity from the perspective of meaningful learning: an application to elementary school in accordance with nutritional facts / Atividade investigativa sobre nutrientes dos alimentos: possíveis contribuições da teoria da aprendizagem significativa