Title:A typology of professional situations in the analysis of graduate transition from higher education to the labor market / Una tipología de situaciones profesionales en el análisis de la transición hacia el trabajo de los graduados de educación superior / Une typologie des situations professionnelles dans l'analyse de la transition vers le travail des diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur / Uma tipologia de situações profissionais na análise da transição ao trabalho de diplomados do ensino superior
Title:The influence of ludic activities in the development of oral skills, for the implemetation of a didactic guide, that will improve and increase oral production / Design of a didactic guide with ludic activities in order to improve the oral production in students of eighth year of general basic education at Unidad Educativa Fiscal Ann Sullivan in the School year 2016 - 2017
Title:Improving the writing skill through basic grammar structure / Design of a booklet with grammar structure exercises and activities in order to improve the writing skill in students of tenth year of basic education at Unidad Educativa Republica de Francia
Title:Human capital through a prospective method: a study for latin america / El capital humano a través de un método prospectivo: un estudio para américa latina