Title:Concienciar en sostenibilidad tecnológica. Experiencias comunicativas y educativas en España para un uso sostenible de las TIC / Raising Awareness in Technological Sustainability. Communicational and Educational Experiences in Spain for Sustainable ICT Usage
Title:La Educación Ambiental en el S. XXI (página en construcción, disculpen las molestias) / Environmental education in the 21st century (page under construction, sorry for the inconvenience)
Title:Precision Techniques and Agriculture 4.0 Technologies to Promote Sustainability in the Coffee Sector: State of the Art, Challenges and Future Trends
Title:Evaluating Environmental Impact in Foundations and Structures through Disaggregated Models: Towards the Decarbonisation of the Construction Sector
Title:Creando el derecho a la comunicación desde abajo: radios comunitarias sostenibles en Venezuela, Ecuador y España / Creating communication rights from below: sustainable community radios in Venezuela, Ecuador and Spain