Title:Influence of the vocabulary in the improvement of reading comprehension / Design of a booklet focused on vocabulary and reading activities to improve reading comprehension
Title:The influence of A2.1 level vocabulary for the development of speaking skills / Design a didactic guide to teach A2.1 level vocabulary using realia media for the development of speaking skills
Title:Improve English language learning in elementary students / Design of the brochure with strategic educational vocabulary for primary school students Carlos Alberto Flores School
Title:The influence of English vocabulary to improve written production / Design of a system of activities focused on vocabulary in order to improve written production
Title:The incidence of vocabulary acquisition in the development of oral production / Design a system of vocabulary activities to improve the oral production
Title:To improve the pronunciation of basic english to students of the 7th grade of Public School República de Francia / Design and implement a guide with vocabulary games to reinforce the language learning