Title:Spontaneous yawning and its potential functions in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) / Elisabetta Palagi, Federico Guillén-Salazar & Clara Llamazares-Martín.
Title:Raising awareness about microbial antibiotic resistance in undergraduate dental students : a research-based strategy for teaching non-laboratory elements of a microbiology curriculum
Title:Therapeutic exercise based on biobehavioral approach for the rehabilitation of a radial nerve injury after surgical removal of a schwannoma : a case report
Title:Parasitofauna survey of "Song thrushes" (Turdus philomelos) from the eastern part of Spain / Parasitofauna survey of "thrushes" (Turdus philomelos) from eastern Spain
Title:Predicción del estado nutricional a través de la calidad de vida y el patrón del sueño en ancianos con deterioro cognitivo = Nutritional status regarding the quality of life and sleep pattern in community-dwelling older adults with cognitive dysfunction. / Nutritional status regarding the quality of life and sleep pattern in community-dwelling older adults with cognitive dysfunction