Title:Técnicas de comprensión lectora en la lectura inferencial en los estudiantes del subnivel medio. / Manual de técnicas lectoras para desarrollar la lectura inferencial
Title:Estrategias innovadoras en el desarrollo de la creatividad del subnivel medio. / Guía de producción de estrategias para desarrollar la creatividad.
Title:Utilización de títeres como recurso didáctico y su incidencia en el desarrollo del lenguaje oral de los niños y niñas de 4 años. / Diseño de una guía didáctica sobre los títeres como recurso didáctico. Año 2014.
Title:Incidence of narrative texts paragraph structure in the written production / Design of a narrative text exercise booklet to improve the written production
Title:Influence of gamification in the oral expression development of 8th grade students of 28 de Mayo High School period 2017-2018 / Creation of an interactive system of activities focused on gamification
Title:Effects on the quality of Sketches and Role plays through the Speaking skill / Design of a brochure that improves the speaking skills throughout Sketches and Role plays
Title:The use of didactic teaching aids for improving reading comprehension skills in the english language / Design a booklet with necessary visual vocabulary activities to improve the reading comprehension in the english language
Title:Influence of the use of critical thinking skills to improve reading comprehension accomplishment / Design of a critical thinking skill booklet for the strengthening of the reading comprehension in the english language