Title:The burning of Richd. Woodman, Geo. Stevens, Wm. Maynard, Alexr. Hosman, Tho. Wood, Margery Morris, Jas. Morris, Mrs. Ashdowne, Mrs. Gloves & Mrs. Burges at Lewes in Sussex ; Rose Allin's hand burnt with a candle by that monster of inhumanity Edmund Tyrrel
Title:The martyrdom of T.Lofeby, H. Ramfey, T. Thirtell, Marg. Hide, and Agnes Stanley, in Smithfield ; The martydom of Willm. Flower in St. Margaret's Church Yard, Wefminfier
Title:The martyrdom of Kemp, Prowting, Waterer, Lowick, Hudfon & Haies at Canterbury, in Kent ; The martydom of Hugh Lavercock & John Apprice, at Stratford, near Bow, in Middlefex