Title:Model of technology transfer from biomedical engineering: A case study [Modelo de Transferencia Tecnológica desde la Ingeniería Biomédica: un estudio de caso] / Informacion Tecnologica
Title:Design and implementation of a high-resolution angle measurement system for the upper limbs using a low-cost servomotor / International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing
Title:Horizontal axis hydrokinetic turbines: A literature info:eu-repo/semantics/review [Turbinas hidrocinéticas de eje horizontal: Una revisión de la literatura] / Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua
Title:Mobile learning on higher educational institutions: How to encourage it?. Simulation approach [Mobile learning en instituciones de educación superior: ¿Cómo abordarlo? Una aproximación desde la simulación] / DYNA (Colombia)
Title:Relationship between Kaizen and labor culture in manufacturing systems [Relación entre Kaizen y cultura laboral en sistemas productivos] / Espacios
Title:Estimation of blood and bone marrow doses of thyroid carcinoma patients treated with 131I through gamma spectrometry / Journal of Radiological Protection