Title:Prevalence of premolars with dens evaginatus in a Taiwanese and Spanish population and related complications of the fracture of its tubercle / Chia-Shiuan Lin ... et al.
Title:Physicochemical and microbiological assessment of an experimental composite doped with Triclosan-Loaded Halloysite Nanotubes / Diana A. Cunha, Nara S. Rodrigues, Lidiane C. Souza, Diego Lomonaco, Flávia P. Rodrigues, Felipe W. Degrazia, Fabrício M. Collares, Salvatore Sauro and Vicente P. A. Saboia.
Title:An analysis of connectedness dynamics between risk-neutral equity and treasury volatilities / Ana González-Urteaga, Belén Nieto [and] Gonzalo Rubio.
Title:Proyecto de inserción socio-laboral de personas inmigrantes en riesgo de exclusión y mejoras en viviendas de personas en situación de vulnerabilidad
Title:On non-smooth pitchfork bifurcations in invertible quasi-periodically forced 1-D maps / Àngel Jorba, Francisco Javier Muñoz-Almaraz & Joan Carles Tatjer.