Title:Financial hedging with derivatives and its impact on the Colombian market value for listed companies [Coberturas financieras con derivados y su incidencia en el valor de mercado en empresas colombianas que cotizan en Bolsa] / Contaduria y Administracion
Title:Surfactant concentration and pH effects on the zeta potential values of alumina nanofluids to inspect stability / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Title:S-curves - application in technologies of evaporation and drying of fruits [Curvas en S - aplicación en tecnologías de evaporación y secado de frutas] / Espacios
Title:Route planning in real time for short-range aircraft with a constant-volume-combustor-geared turbofan to minimize operating costs by particle swarm optimization / Cogent Engineering
Title:Financial hedging with derivatives and its impact on the Colombian market value for listed companies [Coberturas financieras con derivados y su incidencia en el valor de mercado en empresas colombianas que cotizan en Bolsa] / Contaduria y Administracion
Title:Physical properties of quasi-one-dimensional MgO and Fe3 O4 -based nanostructures / Physical info:eu-repo/semantics/review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics