Title:Influence of the sentences structure in the Simple Present to improve the Linguistic competence in writing activities in teaching the English language / Design of a modern guide for the correct use of the present simple for students of eight of Basic Education Unit Technical Replica Simon Bolívar.
Title:The influence of a debate programmed technique to develop the speaking skill / Design a booklet with short ludic debates to encourage students for the speaking skills
Title:Audiovisual resources in the development of listening comprehension / Design of a booklet with didactic activities based on audiovisual resources
Title:Improving the listening skill through audiovisual resources / Design of a didactic guide with audiovisual resources to improve the listening skill in students of ninth year at Unidad Educativa Dr. Teodoro Alvarado Olea
Title:Improve English language learning in elementary students / Design of the brochure with strategic educational vocabulary for primary school students Carlos Alberto Flores School