Title:The influence of sentence structures in the oral expression / Design a didactic guide with grammar sentences structure activities to improve the oral expression
Title:Innovate vocabulary learning strategies to develop the writing skill / Design a didactic guide with meaningful vocabulary to develop the writing skill
Title:Vocabulary in the oral language in the students of the seventh grade of basic education / Design of an ilustrative booklet with ludic vocabulary activities
Title:Strategies of motivation in the teaching – learning process of the english language / Design of a didactic guide with strategies of motivation in the teaching-learning process of the english language in students of 2nd year of Bachillerato at Unidad Educativa Numa Pompilio Llona
Title:Pedagogical games as a resource to develop speaking production in the english language / Design of a handbook that implements pedagogical games in the learning process to strengthen the communicative competences and stimulate the english learning in the tudents of 8th grade of the Unidad Educativa fiscal Veintiocho de Mayo
Title:How does the basic vocabulary impact in the development of the speaking skill / To design a handbook with interactive activities with basic vocabulary in order to improve the speaking skill
Title:The influence of the family motivation in the englishlearning process / Guide with family motivation techniques for the improvement of the english learning