Title:NOA36 Protein Contains a Highly Conserved Nucleolar Localization Signal Capable of Directing Functional Proteins to the Nucleolus, in Mammalian Cells
Title:Unexpected Mild Protection of Alcohols as 2-O-THF and 2-O-THP Ethers Catalysed by Cp2TiCl Reveal an Intriguing Role of the Solvent in the Single- Electron Transfer Reaction
Title:Bio-guided optimization of the ultrasound-assisted extraction of compounds from Annona glabra L. leaves using the etiolated wheat coleoptile bioassay
Title:The botrydial biosynthetic gene cluster of Botrytis cinerea displays a bipartite genomic structure and is positively regulated by the putative Zn(II)2Cys6 transcription factor BcBot6