Title:Indagaciones interculturales sobre orígenes y religiones en el humor periodístico = Intercultural questions about origins and religions in journalistic humor / Dra. Estrella Israel [y] Dra. María José Pou. / Intercultural questions about origins and religions in journalistic humor
Title:Derechos fundamentales y publicación de imágenes ajenas en las redes sociales sin consentimiento = Constitutional rights and the publication of other people images on social networks without permission / Juan María Martínez Otero. / Constitutional rights and the publication of other people images on social networks without permission
Title:Influencia del contexto en la estética de la narrativa de posguerra = The influence of the context on the aesthetics of postwar narrative / María Gloria García Blay [y] Tomás Ernesto Micó Escrivá. / The influence of the context on the aesthetics of postwar narrative
Title:El conocimiento matemático y la mirada profesional de estudiantes para maestro en el contexto de la generalización de patrones : caracterización de perfiles = Mathematical knowledge and professional noticing of prospective teachers in the context of pattern generalization : characterization of profiles / Alberto Zapatera Llinares y María Luz Callejo de la Vega. / Mathematical knowledge and professional noticing of prospective teachers in the context of pattern generalization : characterization of profiles
Title:Cómo alumnos de educación primaria resuelven problemas de Generalización de Patrones : una trayectoria de aprendizaje = How Primary Education students solve problems of generalization of patterns : a learning trajectory / Alberto Zapatera Llinares. / How Primary Education students solve problems of generalization of patterns : a learning trajectory