Title:Respuesta jurídico-penal ante nuevos escenarios de acoso escolar, en particular, los contenidos en la Ley 8-2017, de 7 de abril, integral de reconocimiento del derecho a la identidad y expresión de género en la Comunitat Valenciana / Javier García González.
Title:Changes in trunk posture and muscle responses in standing during pregnancy and postpartum / Gemma Biviá-Roig, Juan Francisco Lisón and Daniel Sánchez-Zuriaga.
Title:Documento de recomendaciones de la SEA 2018 : el estilo de vida en la prevención cardiovascular = Document of recommendations of the SEA 2018 : lifestyle in cardiovascular prevention / Francisco Pérez-Jiménez ... et al. / Document of recommendations of the SEA 2018 : lifestyle in cardiovascular prevention
Title:Myofascial release improves pain and disability in non-specific chronic low back pain : a randomized clinical trial / María Dolores Arguisuelas Martínez ... [et al.].
Title:Effects and underlying mechanisms of unstable shoes on chronic low back pain : a randomized controlled trial / Juan Francisco Lisón ... [et al.].
Title:Effects of polyacrylic acid pre-treatment on bonded-dentine interfaces created with a modern bioactive resin-modified glass ionomer cement and subjected to cycling mechanical stress / Salvatore Sauro ... et al.
Title:Competencias y contenidos de salud pública en los programas del Grado en Veterinaria en las universidades españolas = Public health competencies and contents in Spanish university degree programmes of Veterinary Medicine / Public health competencies and contents in Spanish university degree programmes of Veterinary Medicine
Title:Importancia de la comunicación en el establecimiento y satisfacción con el tratamiento en fisioterapia = Importance of communication in the establishment and satisfaction with physiotherapy treatment / Óscar Rodríguez Nogueira ... et al. / Importance of communication in the establishment and satisfaction with physiotherapy treatment