Title:Ciganos portugueses: escola e mudança social / Portuguese Ciganos: school and social change / Gitans portugais: changement scolaire et social / Gitanos portugueses: escuela y cambio social
Title:O desafio populista à democracia representativa: a Venezuela chavista e o MoVimento 5 Estrelas / The populist challenge to representative democracy: Chavist Venezuela and the Five Star Movement
Title:O Facebook faz bem à saúde? O caso “MAIS PARTICIPAÇÃO melhor saúde” em Portugal / Is Facebook good for the health of the overall population? The “MORE PARTICIPATION THE BETTER THE HEALTH” case in Portugal
Title:O estudo do ‘Território’ e da ‘Morfologia Urbana’ no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (1962-1974) / The study of 'Territory' and 'Urban Morphology' at the Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (1962-1974)