Title:Rheological, Mineralogical and Strength Variability of Concrete Due to Construction Water Impurities / Variabilidad reológica, mineralógica y de resistencia del hormigón debido a impurezas del agua de construcción
Title:Development and characterization of blends formulated with banana peel and banana pulp for the production of blends powders rich in antioxidant properties
Title:Protection against imposing unfavorable contract terms by the dominant party in the russian legislation: issues of ensuring the balance of convenience / Protección contra la imposición de cláusulas abusivas por parte de la posición dominante en la legislación rusa: aspectos para garantizar un equilibrio de intereses
Title:Data from multimodal functions based on an array of photovoltaic modules and an approximation with artificial neural networks as a scenario for testing optimization algorithms
Title:Selection of hydrological probability distributions for extreme rainfall events in the regions of Colombia / Selección de distribuciones de probabilidad hidrológica para eventos de lluvia extrema en las regiones de Colombia