Title:Transition to adulthood of young people in condition of Intellectual Disability (ICID): a comparative study of the professional's perspective in Norway and Colombia
Title:The importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to promote Information, self-care and empowerment among patients with chronic illnesses
Title:1st International Experts' Meeting on Agitation: conclusions regarding the current and ideal management paradigm of agitation / José Martínez Raga ... et al.
Title:Influence of reading techniques in the improvement of reading comprehension skill / Design of a booklet with activities based on reading techniques
Title:The use of didactic teaching aids for improving reading comprehension skills in the english language / Design a booklet with necessary visual vocabulary activities to improve the reading comprehension in the english language
Title:Influence of oral expression techniques for development of listening skills / Create a teacher’s guide with techniques for developing oral expressions.