Title:Ressenya a Vicent Beltran Calvo & Carles Segura-Llopes, Els parlars valencians, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2017 = Review to Vicent Beltran Calvo & Carles Segura-Llopes, Els parlars valencians, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2017/ Vicent F. Garcia Perales. / Els parlars valencians / The Valencian talks / Review to Vicent Beltran Calvo & Carles Segura-Llopes, Els parlars valencians, Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2017
Title:Technical note : assessment of best location of gnawing sticks in growing rabbit cages / Assessment of best location of gnawing sticks in growing rabbit cages
Title:La fundamentación deontológica de la doctrina del Sumo Bien en Kant = The deontological foundation of the doctrine of the Highest Good in Kant / César Casimiro Elena. / The deontological foundation of the doctrine of the Highest Good in Kant / Reseña de : Marwede, F. : Das höchste Gut in Kants deontologischer Ethik, KantstudienErgänzungshefte 206, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2018. ISBN 978-3-11-060071-1.
Title:Un magisterio en la distancia : la relación epistolar entre los entomólogos José María Dusmet y Modesto Quilis = A teaching in the distance : the correspondence between José María Dusmet and Modesto Quilis, and the entomological practice in Spain before Civil War / Jesús I. Catalá Gorgues. / A teaching in the distance : the correspondence between José María Dusmet and Modesto Quilis, and the entomological practice in Spain before Civil War
Title:Modulation of salivary cytokines in response to alcohol, tobacco and caffeine consumption : a pilot study / Chirag C. Sheth, Rosa M. López Pedrajas, Maria del Mar Jovani Sancho, Raquel González Martínez & Veronica Veses.
Title:Caminos frustrados hacia la prefabricación arquitectónica : estudio del sistema murario en las construcciones asociadas a la línea ferroviaria Teruel-Alcañiz = Wrong ways to the architectural prefabrication : study of the system wall in buildings associated with the railway line Teruel-Alcañiz / P. Verdejo, G. López y G. Mocholí. / Wrong ways to the architectural prefabrication : study of the system wall in buildings associated with the railway line Teruel-Alcañiz
Title:Prácticas disidentes : la propuesta para el conjunto residencial de Suvikumpu de Raili y Reima Pietilä = Dissident practices : Raili and Reima Pietilä's design for the Suvikumpu housing development / Enrique Jesús Fernández-Vivancos González. / Dissident practices : Raili and Reima Pietilä's design for the Suvikumpu housing development
Title:Estudio longitudinal sobre la adherencia al patrón de Dieta Mediterránea en estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud = Longitudinal study about the adherence to Mediterranean Diet patterns in Health Sciences students / María Amparo Sánchez Fideli, Ana Gutiérrez Hervás, Mercedes Rizo Baeza y Ernesto Cortés Castell. / Longitudinal study about the adherence to Mediterranean Diet patterns in Health Sciences students
Title:La mejora de la autonomía del paciente en la práctica de la medicina estética = The improving of the autonomy of the patient in the practice of cosmetic medicine / Emilio García Sánchez. / The improving of the autonomy of the patient in the practice of cosmetic medicine