Title:A gestão do evento Xterra Camp Paraná: análise do seu impacto na perspectiva dos
participantes / The management of the Xterra Camp Paraná event: Analysis of its impact from the participants’ perspective
Title:Análise do perfil dos corredores e eventos de corridas de rua da cidade de Curitiba-PR / Analysis of the profile of the runners and events of running of the city of Curitiba-PR
Title:Deporte y modernidad en Argentina: problemas conceptuales y propuesta de
abordaje / Sports and modernity in Argentina: conceptual problems and approach proposal
Title:Deporte y emociones: un estudio comparativo a partir del golf, el fútbol y la natación / Sports and emotions. A comparative study from golf, football and swimming
Title:Perspectivas y problemáticas sobre el Mundial Argentina 78: infraestructuras,
gubernamentalidades y festejos populares / Perspectives and problems about the Argentina World Cup 78. Infrastructures, governmentalities and popular celebrations