Title:A geometria nas aritméticas editadas para as escolas paroquiais luteranas do século xx no rio grande do sul, brasil / THE GEOMETRY ON ARITHMETICS EDITED FOR LUTHERAN PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS OF 20th CENTURY IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL
Title:Una Aproximación Al Conocimiento Del Contenido Didáctico En La Formación Inicial De Docentes De Matemáticas: El Caso De Dos Licenciaturas / An Approach To The Knowledge Of The Didactics Contents In The Mathematics Teachers Initial Formation: The Case Of Two Mathematics Bachelor Undergraduate Programmes
Title:Fortalecimiento de la empatía en niños y niñas a través de la relación matemática-arte / Strengthening empathy in boys and girls through the mathematical-art relationship
Title:A geometria nas aritméticas editadas para as escolas paroquiais luteranas do século xx no rio grande do sul, brasil / THE GEOMETRY ON ARITHMETICS EDITED FOR LUTHERAN PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS OF 20th CENTURY IN RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL