Title:Los jóvenes argentinos y sus trayectorias laborales inestables: mitos y realidades / The Argentine youth and their unstable labor paths: myths and realities / Os jovens argentinos e as trajetórias profissionais instáveis: mitos e realidades
Title:Un aporte al estudio de las formas de organización social desde la orilla de la participación política en Colombia / A Contribution to the Study of the Forms of Social Organization from the Edge of Political Participation in Colombia
Title:Practices for collaboration between Universities, Businesses and the Third Sector: ICT formative project for the insertion of youths at risk of social exclusion
Title:Escuchando música en el transporte público : Sobre usos de la telefonía móvil por parte de jóvenes / Escutando música no transporte público – Sobre usos da telefonia móvel por parte de jovens / Listening music on the public transport – About uses of mobile phone by young people
Title:Jóvenes y políticas públicas de terminalidad educativa : Un estudio sobre capital social y estrategias de vida / Young people and public policies of educational terminality
Title:Una aproximación al mundo de los NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) / An approach to the world of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)