Title:Recuperando la memoria institucional. Algunas perspectivas sobre la historia reciente del Instituto Ravignani / Recovering the institutional memory. Some perspectives on the recent history of the Ravignani Institute
Title:Los estudios históricos en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (1955-1966). Planes de estudio, planteles docentes e identidades historiográficas / Historical studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (1955-1966). Academic identities, study plans and historiographic guidelines
Title:El reordenamiento del Instituto Ravignani durante los primeros 60 en la documentación institucional / The reordering of the Ravignani Institute during the first 60s in the institutional documentation
Title:De Molinari a Ravignani: el caso del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana (1974-1977) / Molinari to Ravignani´s: the case of the Institute of Argentine and American History (1974-1977)
Title:The Use of the Past During the Last Military Dictatorship and Post-Dictatorship : The Holocaust as the Horizon of Identification, Alienation and Negotiation for the Jewish community
Title:¿Por qué dejó de ser “infame” la arquitectura construida por el Estado argentino entre 1930 y 1943? : Aportes desde un campo historiográfico renovado / Why did architecture built by the Argentinean State between 1930 and 1943 stopped being “infamous”? Contributions from a renewed historiographic field