Title:Estudio comparado del esqueleto caudal en peces characoideos de la República Argentina : II. Familia Characidae / Comparative study of the caudal skeleton in Argentine Characoid. II. Family Characidae
Title:Comunidad de peces de la cuenca del río Salado del Sur y notas para su conservación (Argentina, Sud América) / Fish community of Salado del Sur river basin and notes for your conservation (Argentina, South America)
Title:Hyphessobrycon togoi, a new species from the La Plata basin (Teleostei: Characidae) and comments about the distribution of the genus in Argentina
Title:Estudio comparado del esqueleto caudal en peces characoideos de la República Argentina : III. Familias Serrasalmidae, Gasteropelecidae, Erythrinidae, Anostomidae, Hemiodidae, Curimatidae y Characidiidae / Comparative study of the caudal skeleton in Argentine characoid fishes. III. Families Serrasalmidae, Gasteropelecidae, Erythrinidae, Anostomidae, Hemiodidae, Curimatidae and Characidiidae
Title:Populations of Characidium rachovii (Crenuchidae: Characidiinae) with reduction of the adipose fin from Argentina and a Southernmost record of C. occidentale
Title:Análisis de la diversidad de peces en ambientes asociados al río Paraná en el área de la represa de Yacyretá / Analysis of fish diversity in environments associated to the Parana River in the area of the Yacyretá dam