Title:Influence ofthe cognitive skills inthe improvement of the writing skill / Design of a pedagogical guide with games and grammatical exercises focused on cognitive skills in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Title:Las razones, proporciones y porcentajes en acción para entender el impacto de la reforma tributaria de 2016 en la canasta familiar. / The reasons, proportions and percentages in action to understand the impact of the 2016 tax reform in the family basket.
Title:Application of basic grammar structure in the development of writing skills / Design of a didactic guide with basic grammar exercises to develop the writing skills
Title:Diseño de aplicación Android para la mejora de la ortografía y evaluación de su implementación en aulas de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato. / Design of Android application for the improvement of the spelling and evaluation of its implementation in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate classrooms
Title:Ambiente virtual de aprendizaje (AVA) para apoyar el desempeño en razonamiento matemático de los estudiantes de grado tercero en la IED Nueva Colombia Bogotá