Title:Boron concentration profiling by high angle annular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscopy in homoepitaxial delta-doped diamond layers
Title:Environmentally friendly analysis of emerging contaminants by pressurized hot water extraction-stir bar sorptive extraction-derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Title:Romanticism and the transatlantic imagination: Blanco White, Keats, and the Liberal Dilemma / El Romanticismo y la imaginación transatlántica: Blanco White, Keats y el Dilema Liberal
Title:Influencia del viento y de las variaciones de la presión atmosférica en el nivel del mar de marismas y estuarios / Effect of wind and atmospheric pressure variations on the mean sea level of salt marshes and estuaries
Title:Robert Southey’s Chronicle of the Cid: Spain as a Textual Archive and an Intervention Zone / La Chronicle of the Cid de Robert Shouthey: España como archivo textual y zona de intervención