Title:Evaluating supervised learning approaches for spatial-domain multi-focus image fusion [Evaluando aproximaciones basadas en aprendizaje supervisado para la fusión en el dominio espacial de imágenes multi-foco] / DYNA (Colombia)
Title:Selected frequencies to obtain transmission coefficients invariant under deformation on LHM materials: an application to the sensors design / Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
Title:Knowledge-based model to support decision-making when choosing between two association data mining techniques / Revista Lasallista de Investigacion
Title:Research trends in the study of ICT based learning communities: A bibliometric analysis / Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Title:The time required to rent a home in Boston in 2015: An application Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression [El tiempo necesario para alquilar una vivienda en Boston en 2015: Una aplicación de Regresión de Poisson Geográficamente Ponderada] / Espacios
Title:Highly sensitive temperature sensor using a Sagnac loop interferometer based on a side-hole photonic crystal fiber filled with metal / Applied Optics